Thursday, 25 August 2011

Cause Baby You're Firework!

Hey hey! Guess what? Guess lah. Today is my 2nd anniversary with Mr.Faizal hehe~

Dear awak,

Its been 2 years already. Hehe :) Just so you know, this is my longest relationship ever with anybody. Tak percaya kan? But that's the truth. Thanks for everything. Oh and I'm waiting for the gift. Saya tuntut :D

I Love You♥

So today's also my Abah's birthday! I was the one who wished him first. Tepat pukul 12 kot. Agak agak abah terharu tak? Hoho

Dear Abah,

Now you've been living for 53 years. And I'm so proud to call you as my father. I love you with all my heart. I swear! I'm sorry for the wrong things that I've ever done to you. And I LOVE YOU :)

Hehe~ done with the wishes. Hm sedar tak sedar tinggal lagi 5 hari lagi nak raya. Seriously, puasa tahun ni rasa sekejap gila. Hm salah satu tanda akhir zaman. Subhanallah. I've rarely update my blog sekarang ni. Maybe because there's no any interesting story to be told. Sooooo yeah!


Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Saya Sayang Mereka.

Yesterday, buka puasa dgn classmates. Cikgu Aainaa pun ada with her hubby. Had a great night with them. Even words can't express the feeling. Nah gambar


Sunday, 7 August 2011


Adele Laurie Blue Adkins

-Saya tak tahu kenapa saya suka dia-

-Cause of her voice I think-

-Cubalah dengar lagu lagu dia-

-You will love 'em-

Plus, all the lyrics in her songs attracted me. Cuba lah dengar :-

Make you feel my love

Someone like you

Set fire to the rain

Melt My Heart to Stone


*Oh ya, I skipped school today. Cuti sendiri, jangan jealous ;)